Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Well December has turned out to be a intresting month so far. Or should I say eventful. At the beginning of the month I relised that I had had it with the remarks the man was making and I spoke to my boss. Who in turn spoke to the man and he has been scared to talk to me since. Then on the 8th I hit another car. The roads were clear until I hit the parking lot at work. All ice! I slid a little but when I started turning into a parking spot, thats when I hit a big patch of ice and slid into the parked car next to mine. Which of course happens to be my coworkers car. So I trudge into work and tell him I have hit his car and he laughs. Once he looks at it he says no big deal dont worry about it. I feel so much better cause I was really worried. Then on Tues the 9th. I fall walking into work. Great Fun. Since then on Saturday I step out of the shower and hear a knock on my door. Lo and behold its my mother and brother. Complete shock to me. I probably didnt say the most nicest words when I say her but she shocked me. By the way I said " What the hell". Which I probably shouldnt have said to my very religious mother. :) They left this morning, which im sad and glad about. Glad to have my brother go home but sad for my mom. My brother is a SLOB! I could never live with him again, How did I do it in the first place I will never know. So we will see what the rest of the month brings!

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