Saturday, February 21, 2009


I am very thankful to have a job and to have a job that is not in danger of being downsized. But lately my job has become 3 jobs in one. The job that I was originally hired for is hardly getting done anymore since I am doing projects for these other aspects my job that they keep giving me. Most days I feel like I am never going to get everything done and I dont. On Friday I was maybe at my desk for 1 hour the whole day. Thats a big maybe. I had about a 30 min span on Friday where everyone was saying Sarah I need this now, can you do it now. Finally I just said after the 3rd person that everyone needs their stuff now so he is just going to have to wait. Oh well. Im not a friggin robot who has twenty arms and can do work at the speed of sound. Then my dad was supposed to come send the weekend with me. Yeah well he never did buy his ticket till Friday at lunch time when he found out they were all full. So he said he would fly here on Saturday and catch the 7:30am flight here. Well never hearing from him I was getting pissed. Come noon I finially get ahold of him and hes still sleeping. By that point I was hurt and angry. He makes sure that he see's my brothers but when it comes to me he might be here or maybe not. I was really looking forward to this weekend too so yeah I was really not happy this morning and now im just trying to not let it ruin my whole weekend. He says he will be here next weekend but Im not going to get my hopes up again.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

New Year

Last night I watched the movie Saving Sarah Marshall since everyone I talked to really liked the movie it is also one of my brothers favorite movies. Well it was awful in my mind. It was stupid and just stupid. The plot was ok but the actor in it who played the british guy was not very good at all. Yeah I did laugh at a couple of parts. But so now worth paying to rent it which I glad I saw it at the library and didnt have to pay. I was thinking what is so great about this movie that people watch it over and over again.